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CF 18

The Mighty Oaks team will be at  CANSEC 2022 in Ottawa Canada.  Mighty Oaks warehousing and logistics management platform has applications in the defence and aerospace sector to manage spares and supplies.  Mighty Oaks has worked on a variety of projects deploying SoftExpert into the sector. 

DELVI Fulfillment Center

The newest logistics center on Vancouver Island selected Mighty Oaks logistics platform to provide order management, warehouse management, inventory management and logistics functionality.  Based on Mighty Oaks integrated platform that support multi-retailer operation across the three temperature zones.   Retailers and wholesalers using the facility are from a diverse set of industries. 

Mighty Raven Logo

Mighty Oaks in partnership with Qwastånayå (L. Maynard) form a joint venture Mighty Raven Technology Inc.  Qwastånayå is a partner in Advanced Business Match (formerly Raven Events) and indigenous Insight and former chief of the Tla'amin Nation.  Mighty Oaks and ABM have been working closely for over five years.  This new partnership builds on a long standing relationship between the two companies.   

Brightside Market Interior

Using Mighty Oaks software we were able to create a fully automated locker based farmgate retail experience.   Including Mighty Oaks locker control software,, in-store kiosk ordering software, online ordering and inventory management solution.  

The First automated farmgate retail store Canada.

Advanced Business Match

With the advent of COVID, Raven Events needed to transition from physical events held across the country to a virtual online video meeting environment.  See how we rewrote the Advanced Business Match platform to integrate the latest video conferencing capabilities.  

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