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With our partners SoftExpert and Western Industrial Solutions from Kelowna we are exibiting at WorkSafeBC - Bridging the Gap.   

Whether you work in construction or promote health and safety in the industry, join us for a jam-packed two-day conference to network with others and increase your knowledge about a wide range of health and safety issues in construction.  Join us at this event to network with peers while learning about and discussing a variety of health and safety issues. Search out, expand, and capitalize on learning opportunities that will ultimately enhance your career in health and safety.

To make a quality assurance program truly successful in an organization, it must become second nature. It must be so obvious that this is how things are done that to do otherwise is simply not the best course of action. Despite this goal, often this is not the outcome. Technology is a double edge sword, it can help achieve the desired outcome or move us away from it. In this session we present some lessons learned showing which strategies work for deploying new technology and which do not. 

International LNG in British Columbia Conference It is a new industry for us.  I have worked in Energy before, but onthe electrical generation side, so natural gas is a new area for us.  Having a partial accelerator background I have worked quite a bit with cryogenics.  We want to see if we can our technology that drives innovation and together with our partner Dassault System potential help build cleaner, safer and more responsible energy projects. 

Nuxalk Sunrise

Stretching in the early morning light before a morning run last week in Bella Coola, I took this photo of a Nuxalk totem pole facing telephone lines. I was thinking about the privilege we have to be helping build data management capacity in this ancient, and at the same time, youthful community. Besides running and a little fly-fishing, my time in Nuxalk Territory was split between assisting with cultural data cataloging and review for the NX Indigenous Laws project, and working with the ‘Projects’ team on efficient tracking and analysis of development applications, including Crown referrals.


In July 2015, Greg and Charles from our CedarBox team visited the beautiful village of Wuikinuxv alongside the Wannock River in Rivers Inlet. We were there to upgrade the Wuikinuxv’s CedarBox server and to provide training on two apps: Cedar Development App (for tracking and analyzing Crown referrals) and CCIRA Marine Indigenous Laws App (for archiving and reviewing historical documents for laws content).

We would like to thank Susan A for inviting us in, Doug B for his support, Cherlyn for booking us into the TechLodge and making great pies (, and Dani, Jennifer and Terry for their hard work.

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