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Viewing blog posts for the category Smart Retail

July 6, 2017

Millions of small, family-operated retailers known as nanostores are the main source of consumer-packaged goods (CPG) for many consumers in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In China, nanostores have managed to compete successfully with larger retailers. Many large Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) manufacturers and distributors such as Unilever, P&G, Nestlé, struggle with how to efficiently supply thousands of nanostores that are typically found in large cities of developing countries. 

Getting the market's and especially your customer's attention is paramount. Let's start by creating retail insanity with duality. The new duality points to the many ways to sell and deliver to customers, both online and physical locations. Experts call this omni-channel. Consumers know it as convenience. Retail pro's see the duality of inbound and outbound supply chains since retail is fundamentally distribution. 

The removal of intimate connections and experiences with each other and the natural world takes its place along with the obliteration of mind, our social contract and sacred trust with the earth. They are mere footnotes to the digital abolition of our well-being and our world. It’s clear that digitization continues to be value-destroying with AI now leading the charge to reinvention, dissemination of labor and growth. The hyper-determination of ‘digital’ with virtual worlds that we find – disruption, manipulation, disordering, fake and innovation – all ambiguous terms for technological progress. The need is for further deep analysis into each of its core elements starting with its replacement for value. 

It’s a fundamental principle that the consumer (human) side is the single most important factor in deciding on a flexible, dynamic infrastructure for omnichannel strategy, execution, fulfilment and last-mile optimization.”

“There is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent." Mao Zedong

Encouraged by a heartfelt and considerable connection to learning and understanding our place on planet earth, I'm kicking off this year with another environmental message knowing that each of us can make a difference. 1

My dream is that people will engage collectively to start the 1st earth revolution with ecological agendas rather than business as usual models embracing the 4th industrial revolution. Instead of many leading companies (I think we know who they are) charging towards ecological unsustainability while relentlessly promoting a culture of mass consumerism with dominant values of products and information controls. The topic is serious and relevant: the value chain revolution in a complex world. The conclusion is clear: community cooperation and integrated business collaboration defines biological destiny or collapse. Our wake up call is not new and should come as no surprise. Green messengers want to ensure the survival of people with a healthy community, social and planetary values. 2

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