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Cedar 7 New Fields and Workflow Capability and Mail Harvest

- May 20, 2016

By Charles Burnett 

Cedar 7 Screen Shot

We’re rolling out a few changes to Cedar 7 installations this month. Some are behind the scenes improvements to MailHarvest and file attachment listings.

However, some changes will be a little more obvious:

New Workflow Fields

We’ve been working with Central Coast Nations referrals coordinators (Vern, Peter, Dani, Andrea) and with Aaron Heidt (Marine Use Planner with the Central Coast Indigenous Resource Alliance) and Craig Outhet (North Coast Skeena First nations Stewardship Society) to get rich MaPP planning maps into Spatial Reports. We did a training session for this purpose in Vancouver on April 13th.

As part of that initiative, we’ve added extra fields to the Project Workflow tab. You can see them highlighted in yellow below.

In addition, the stewardship team at Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw wanted some extra date fields for process tracking. These are highlighted in red.

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