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Viewing blog posts for the category Security

Solarwinds Logo

Mighty Oaks has reviewed its operations, the solar winds products we use and found that it has not been impacted by the recent Solarwinds security issues reported in the media.

We do make use of certain solarwinds products in our network operations center.  The products we use have not been identified as being compromised by solarwinds and are not exposed to the internet.  We continue to monitor the situations as the unfold and will take actions as needed to ensure continuity of our operations and security of our customers data. 

Ransomware is a type of malware installed on your computer without your knowledge it then begins to encrypt and lock your files.  The developers of this software are criminals.  They developed and released this software with the intention of charging victims for access to the encryption keys to unlock their computers.

Interesting question to ask.  Over the past two years we have seen a significant movement to the public cloud, specifically public cloud providers AWS (Amazon), Microsoft, and Google.  Now we are seeing another shift in the industry that back to private cloud.

A 451 Research study (VofE Cloud) found that there is an increasing desire to repatriate into a provide cloud configuration to drive down cost and gain better control of enterprise date. On average, those who planned to migrate workloads from public to private cloud environments within two years expected to move 40% of their public cloud workloads to private clouds.

Office 365 in a Canadian Data Centres

They are up and running.  Microsoft's two Canadian Data Centres (in the GTA and Quebec City area) are up and running.  We are now able to offer an office 365 solution on Canadian soil using one Canadian data centre as the primary and the second as a backup.

Hillside Printing Victoria

Hillside Printing has been a Mighty Oaks customer for over 10 years.  When time came to upgrade their ERP solution as well as putting in place the cyber-security systems to manage classified government documents they came again to Mighty Oaks.  

With our partners Sophos we deployed industry leading threat management solutions, full data encryption across all workstations and servers.  Mighty Oaks was there at step of the process in addressing cyber security questions through the RFP process and in subsequent audits and reviews.

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